Arthur J. Evans, former producer of The Wendy Williams Experience, has risen from the ashes to land another gig in radio. If you’re a Wendy Williams aficionado like me then you already know the back story on Artie “Life of The Party”, and his ultimate demise on The Experience. But, If your not aware read my exclusive on the situation.
However, with all that behind him now he has re-emerged with a new look, and a totally different sound. While, Artie has always claimed to love women, he always seemed to give off a slight homosexual vibe with his perfectly executed “How you doing”, to his often times bitchy attitude towards Wendy, various radio interns, and of course Wendy’s nationwide fans. His octave, his notorious “a toe is a toe”, and his ability to never miss a beat, when it came to having quick comeback to anyone who remotely tried his ability as a producer and sidekick, also added fuel to the gay fire.
While the “is he” or “isn’t he” debate remains to be a palpable discussion on message boards across the country, Artie is showing no signs of slowing down or changing up his style as he continues to ruffle feathers.
Recently, he proceeded to create an uproar with radio listeners over a seven year old girl who was raped/molested in Philadelphia. At one point, Artie said: "She probably used good ole ghetto survival techniques learned from the sluts and whores from the ghetto and backed that lil ass up so well and sucked a mean cock that her assailant probably put down his crack pipe for the rest of that day.” Listen to the audio, its quite disturbing. ARTIE RADIO RANT