I really hate to harp on one subject or post over and over again. But I have to give you a quote from her new book "Shine". Star talks about she and Al's first time they started to become intimate -"The first time he held me in his arms sexually; it was almost frightening because we knew our erotic interest in each other could take over every other thing. We had an intoxicatingly sexual connection the first two months of our relationship". I swear I got the chills when I read that. I just don’t believe it. I’m sorry I can’t wrap my brain around it. Can you?? She goes on to say (addressing the gay rumors) -"One day, we would read in the press that Al was out gallivanting with a bunch of women. The next day, we'd read a story questioning his sexuality. I remember my husband saying to me, 'Baby, what am I today?' And me answering, 'Just who you were yesterday, baby.' I don’t know about you but all that I have read about Al Reynolds, I never heard one rumor about him out with a bunch of women. Every picture or rumor has him with other men!