On October 15th roads were crowded, and airplanes were full of hopeful, proud, African Americans celebrating unity and love in the great city of Washington D.C. The event was advertised as a reunion, and anniversary of the original Million Man March in 1995. I for one wasn’t old enough to attend the first ceremony, and I regret not being able to take part in what I believe originally was a movement. It was a celebration of being an African American, reflecting on how far we have come, and where we planned to go. Millions of dollars were raised to distribute towards various program within our own community, and people felt proud to say they were apart of the Million Man March 1995. Now fast forward 10 years later, and one has to think to themselves “Where have we gotten?” It seems to me that we have been truly stagnated in our progression to become unified within our own culture and community. Ten years have past and funds that were raised are still in question as to how they were distributed. Ten years have passed and we still have our own people such as Bill Cosby downing poor stricken African Americans, as well as questioning how young African American children are being raised by high school dropouts in the urban community (don’t understand the correlation, but its Bills comment not my own). Ten years have passed and we still have an increasingly high amount of African American men procreating with our women, and not taking the responsibility to use protection or take care of the children they create. Ten years later we still as a community refuse to address or accept our homosexual brothers and sisters. Ten years have passed, and we have not united to address the real reason why we are where we are and where (it seems) will remain. I consciously decided not attend the Million More March 2005. I thought to myself “This is some bullshit!”. We can’t even unite in our own cities, states, and regions but we are going to travel from far and near to superficially stand up and say “I love you brotha!” Please!!!!! I’m sure you heard about Keith Boynkin and his denial to speak to at the Million More March. If you’re not aware let me give you a quick recap. Keith Boynkin is a gay activist, and, was offered an opportunity by Minister Farrakhan to address gay African American issues. When he arrived to the stage to give his speech he was denied that opportunity by Reverend Willie Wilson. It seems they wanted all of our people to attend, or at least that was how it was advertised, but like always we segregate within our own people, and alas Keith Boykin got the raw end of that deal. It would seem to me that after Hurricane Katrina’s situation we would all reunited and realize that it is in fact “us” against “them”. I am just ranting my frustrations, and putting this cosmic question out to the universe. Why can’t we as African Americans unite, and inspire one another to become greater then ourselves??
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