Am I the only one who is tired of dating? I mean think about it. You spend hours talking to a new potential who you’ve casually given your number to at a club or social event or worse the internet. You both share in completely fictional conversations highlighting your best attributes completely dismissing the unflattering things about yourselves. You start to become interested in personality traits that really aren’t there and you go out on the horrible first day. I say horrible because 9 times out of 10 they are just that. If you think about it carefully you’d agree. You spend god knows how much time deciding what you have in your closet that will highlight your best features (maybe your arms) but at the same time hide your bad features(that belly you have). Then you have to try and meet up somewhere centrally located. I don’t know about you but I live in Atlanta, GA and shit is so spread out that we have to agree on somewhere we will both burn the same amount of gas. Then after you meet which usually is at a restaurant because lets face it we are both going to need some alcohol to make this as painless as possible. We have more conversation and constant interruptions by our server acting as a buffer that you’ve already requested him/her to do as your date goes to the bathroom to wash their hands. The check comes to the table and now you have to decide. Is this going to be Dutch or should I pick up the tab. Now mind you this decision completely relies on how well or not the date has gone thus far. I personally just pick up the tab so that I don’t burden myself with that none sense. The date is usually bad enough lets just get it over with.
I have become completely disgusted in today’s dating scene. So much so that I don’t even desire to meet anyone anymore and go through anymore bullshit. Maybe it’s because I’ve been single so long (and just so we’re clear seeing someone for 2-3 weeks isn’t dating…well not really.) that I just don’t know how to bring someone into my life without them getting on my last nerve. We live in a time where we are valuing the wrong things (present company included). We say we want commitment and dare I say it “Love”, but we only want that in the “package” that we determine to be worthy. Lets be honest fellas if you met a girl and she had everything you were looking for emotionally, had a personality that was appealing to you, but she wasn’t necessarily a show stopper or had a few extra pounds; do you think you’d be interested? Women are more adapt to looking at success and security rather then looks. Look at Beyoncé and Mr. Joe Camel (respect to you Jay-Z, but it is what it is). But even women are guilty as well. Ladies if you meet a man who has everything you were looking for financially stable, tall, good looking, but lacked in a certain area below the waist(if you know what I’m saying and I think you do) would you be interested? One has to wonder with all the bad dates that we go on. With all the foolishness we put up with why do we constantly put ourselves in the same situation time and time again?
I have become completely disgusted in today’s dating scene. So much so that I don’t even desire to meet anyone anymore and go through anymore bullshit. Maybe it’s because I’ve been single so long (and just so we’re clear seeing someone for 2-3 weeks isn’t dating…well not really.) that I just don’t know how to bring someone into my life without them getting on my last nerve. We live in a time where we are valuing the wrong things (present company included). We say we want commitment and dare I say it “Love”, but we only want that in the “package” that we determine to be worthy. Lets be honest fellas if you met a girl and she had everything you were looking for emotionally, had a personality that was appealing to you, but she wasn’t necessarily a show stopper or had a few extra pounds; do you think you’d be interested? Women are more adapt to looking at success and security rather then looks. Look at Beyoncé and Mr. Joe Camel (respect to you Jay-Z, but it is what it is). But even women are guilty as well. Ladies if you meet a man who has everything you were looking for financially stable, tall, good looking, but lacked in a certain area below the waist(if you know what I’m saying and I think you do) would you be interested? One has to wonder with all the bad dates that we go on. With all the foolishness we put up with why do we constantly put ourselves in the same situation time and time again?
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