O.K. its official Star “Damn” Jones is leaving day time talk show “The View”. AccessHollywood is reporting that they have insider information that confirms that Star is leaving the show that made her a house hold name for the past 9 years in July. She will make the official announcement this week. The Rosie/Star feud that we all secretly were looking forward to(admit it, you know you were) will not happen. Read more on thestory here
I’m sure we have all heard about Dallas Austin's recent arrest in Dubai. But do you all know that people associated with him are saying that he is not in a Dubai prison but that he had “passport issues” and is in London on vacation waiting on things to get worked out. People affliated with Dallas have said that these current "prison" rumors are brought on by haters but my responce to that is "When is the last time Dallas had a hit? What's to hate on???" I know his P/R people can do better then that can’t they? In this day and age you have to be smarter or better at lying then that. ****Note to Dallas Austin and his handlers*** The internet is a powerful thing. If you lie make sure that we (self made reporters/and hosts of the various entertainment websites) can’t find out the truth. With that said let me tell you the real deal. Dallas is in fact in a Dubai prison which has been confirmed by Dubai police. Dubai is located in the Persian Gulf /United Arab Emirates. A clerk at the Dubai Court First Instance referred to the charges as “possessing and taking drugs”.Full story here
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