By L.T. Dinwiddie
It was just announced by a very popular radio station here in Atlanta, GA, that R&B crooner himself-and alleged child molester—R.Kelly will be in town for his second annual Black and White affair.
The event is being held a secret location, but what’s troubling to me is why nobody is shunning the pied piper of R&B music for his not so secret sexual attraction to young girls? Am I the only one who won’t allow him to get off Scott free? The man is a music genius! I can’t deny his talent. But his current (yes people his court trial is set to begin sometime in the very near future) indictments in Chicago for 21 counts of having sex with a minor, far outweigh any music ability he posses.
I’d have more respect for the man if he’d just admit that he did what he did and is seeking treatment. But he’s continued to claim his innocence and as far as record sales are concerned, you guys are still supporting him. And I'm sure this event will more then likely be one of the most successful parties of the Summer.
I’m always down for attending the hottest events and covering them for my audience. However this “affair”, I won’t be attending. If you dont stand for something you will fall for!!

The event is being held a secret location, but what’s troubling to me is why nobody is shunning the pied piper of R&B music for his not so secret sexual attraction to young girls? Am I the only one who won’t allow him to get off Scott free? The man is a music genius! I can’t deny his talent. But his current (yes people his court trial is set to begin sometime in the very near future) indictments in Chicago for 21 counts of having sex with a minor, far outweigh any music ability he posses.
I’d have more respect for the man if he’d just admit that he did what he did and is seeking treatment. But he’s continued to claim his innocence and as far as record sales are concerned, you guys are still supporting him. And I'm sure this event will more then likely be one of the most successful parties of the Summer.
I’m always down for attending the hottest events and covering them for my audience. However this “affair”, I won’t be attending. If you dont stand for something you will fall for!!
Labels: Celebrity Scandals
Ok i understand your logic but understand the justice system. R.Kelly is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. This has not happen. Just think if one of your family members or yourself was accused of something and the media convicted you. Your family would be outraged and calling for an understanding of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. Until he is convicted I will continue to support him.
i live in atl also and i do not support r. kelly. the proof is in the tape. it bothers me that the black community allows him to just make a new album and they forget everything.
black people have always supported and protected our men no matter how wrong or right that is why young victims of molestation are put out of the house while the mother takes the bastards side and stays with him and also our young men are forced to turn to the streets because these same mothers turn all their attention on the man and neglect the children to "fend" for themselves because their men have an either the child leaves or I leave mentality I agree with you O1lt and it fucking sickens me to my stomach that the so called king of R and Pee can run around getting major airplay and money and niggas still supporting him ok laquanya while i agree with you that he is innocent until proven guilty this fool is on tape and they are still buying his MUSIC why!!! I know I am not the only one who feels this way but what about him marrying aaliyah when she was 15 fucking 15 thank God her parents had some sense. then this bitch running around on a song talking about he a damn flirt and niccas bumping it all I know is this is why we can never get anywhere as a people proof in point if anybody saw deal or no deal this guy who by everyone is considered a hero and it was an admirable thing that he did when he jumped into the subway to save a white man, a construction worker with a large family turned down 305,000!!! for a chance at 1 million with no safety net he angered me so much he didn't even think just slammed the buzzer down and was like no deal and walked away with 25 dollars!!! my ONLY thought is would he have jumped down there so freely had it been another brother fall black people have been systematically conditioned to protect white people i guess everyone says ok what is your point, my point is black people will always give up a sure thing for a dream that is why our kids want to be rappers and actors instead of dr's and lawyers becuz they want the quick money and don't want to have to work for it and apply themselves....01lt sorry a lil off topic and I am sorry I am on my soapbox but V103 is a part of the damn problem then they can sit back like they doing so much for the community.!!!!!!! fucking hypocrits!!!I worked hard to get my education and try to enlighten people and our youth and be a good citizen and black people can support fools like this makes me mad!!! Atlanta is TRULY a fools paradise!!!
pissed off in conyers
u cant be serious.that little girl wanted it.He paid the hoe in the begining. u should not defend a little slut so quick ,cuz she just might prefer grown man dick. and she did not look like a innocent little pre -teen dancing for the CAMERA.NOR did i hear her say DONT PISS ON ME. HOW DO WE KNOW SHE DIDNT SEDUCE HIM?Its sad but a lot of little girls are fast nowadays and what better example to use than akon and that liitle 14 yr old heifer who was dressed like she was 34.should he be punished for that little girl being a hot ass and then when caught try to act innocent and then blames hiphop. she then turns around put pictures of her grinding with akon up on her myspace with the caption "girls nite out.best time eva". come on i believe you should stop being so judgemental like u even stated the trial did not even start and here u are talking about why arent we shunning him.when the facts come out then we should pass judgment and only then. it is real ignorant of you to even say what u r saying. i think u and that radio station should keep ur opinion to urselves cuz u r obviusly biased
People are entitled to listen to whomever music they want. You can't tell others who to listen to. Do you and leave other people alone.
To Anonymous:
You got to be out of your damn mind!~!!! I wouldn't give a damn if she was bent over in a three point stance, but naked, SHE IS A DAMN CHILD, AND HIM AS A GROWN ASS MAN SHOULD HAVE THE INTEGRITY AND THE COMMON SENSE TO KNOW BETTER!! And if has a problem, he should be a man and admit it...The problem is not with all black it is with all black men WHO THINK LIKE YOUR STUPID ASS!!!
Game recognizes game, and you're protecting this pervert because you are one yourself!!!!
Anon 3:40, I agree w/ you the Blk community is way too supportive of child molesters to our own detriment.
Anon 5:12, you need HELP! Ppl like you make me sick to my stomach. I hope you're not capable of breeding. It's ironic that you're accusing others of being judgemental when you judged R Kelly's victim by calling her a slut.
Yes there are a lot of misguided young ppl out here like that little girl. You can chalk that up to a society (and a Blk community) that sweeps molesation under the rug, a society where Blk girls are devalued and a community that feels Blk men must be protected at all costs--even when a Blk man molests little girls.
Our community will never be as great as it can be until we start valuing our young girls. Afterall these girls will be raising our future.
I'm done w/ R. Kelly and his music.
the ultimate if you are done with his music then why stress yourself out over what others are doing. just do you and keep it moving. some of you get too worked up over shit that you have no control over. if you are seriously worried about the 'teen' black girls, why don't you start by educating them on how to value themselves. and the black community has and always will be in shambles and teens fucking older guys has nothing to do with it.
Looks like you people are quick to forget that R.Kelly has a history of being with young girls (Aaliyah anyone?). If y'all don't want to feel guilty about enjoying his music, fine continue to deny. But wrong is wrong and you can't erase the damage that this man has already done to himself.
Have you ever heard of "Innocent until proven Guilty"? You seem like you already have your mind made up and that does not sound fair to me.
Anon 6:29, I'm not stressing about this. I posted my feelings just like you did; that's the purpose of this blog's comments section.
i don't support robert the rapist kelly. I think he's a pervert. It's not up to us to put him in jail, he's been to court, its up to them.
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